President Martin Roberts was pronounced dead. All the TV networks announced his death to the world. Within minutes every media outlet in the US was calling the death an assassination. It was the first successful assassination of an American president since John F. Kennedy. Vice President Sarah Malin was being sworn in as the new president. The entire country was in shock over Roberts’ death. Every assassination until now had involved guns. This was a new, terrifying method of killing a president. It was completely original and unexpected. The CIA began focusing on UJF as the primary suspect.

The big question was why use a snake like a black mamba? It was one of the deadliest snakes in the world and was not native to North America. Whoever planned the assassination had expected the president to die before getting anti-venom. The average time a person could survive a black mamba bite was between fifteen and thirty minutes, depending on the amount of venom injected. In this case, the assassin or assassins had put two snakes in the briefcase in order to double the amount of venom. The plan was simple but ingenious. Never before had a world leader been assassinated by a reptile.

Another mystery was what role Sam Hunt had played in the plot. Hunt had been a trusted aide to President Roberts for two years. He had been a decorated Secret Service agent before becoming part of Roberts’ administration. Whoever he had plotted with had killed him to keep him from talking. The FBI crime lab confirmed the snakes as black mambas. The black mamba was considered one of the deadliest snakes in the world. It was the fastest snake capable of moving ten to twelve miles per hour. It could grow to a length of fourteen feet. Its name came from the color of the inside of its mouth which resembled a coffin.